Debbie Caine

Debbie Caine

College and Career Pathways LLC   Located in Aurora, Denver Metro Area to include Parker



What do I want to be when I grow up? A doctor, a lawyer, a journalist, maybe an entertainer? How many people guess at this question without ever seeking their passions? College and Career Pathways was created for this very reason. Self-realization comes through many avenues and it is my desire to assist with this process. Through administering an assessment inventory and counseling individuals in the direction that best fits their strengths, possibilities of occupational interests are discovered. College is expensive and understanding what an individual is passionate about helps clarify their purpose. We create an individualized educational plan for each person to pursue, addressing his or her needs and finances. We give them direction to prepare for their future with our personalized service.

I received my business degree without really knowing what my calling was. It did not fulfill me and I began to work with developmentally disabled adults where I counseled them for 15 years. As I watched young people try to decide what they want out of life I was motivated to create College and Career Pathways LLC. I became certified in administering the Strong Interest Inventory through Myers Briggs. I also obtained my college counseling certification through UCLA-EX. My passion is for each person to understand their career options so that they establish a direction for their education, minimizing time and cost searching for the ‘right fit’

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